Career Related Website

Hi... today I'm going to talk about a website that I usually visit a lot because of my career. This website is DIPRES (Dirección de Presupuesto -Budget Management), I don't think it's my favorite website, but it's the only one that comes to mind right now. Why this one? Well, because I visit it at least once a week and it has been very useful for my work. Also, it has been very useful for me to learn about certain financial issues of the current government and to satisfy my curiosity about the expenses of this dirty uwu government.

I will tell you more about this uwu website, where you can find the country's budget, reports on the use of it, statistics, evaluations and management control reports, among other things. It is a very useful page for us as citizens, so that we can inform ourselves about the management of the government and thus, control its actions.

I invite you to visit the website :)


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